
At Oak View, safeguarding of students and staff underpins everything that we do.

Our policies and procedures are robust. The software programme, Safeguard, enables all members of staff to record concerns and incidents in a secure manner. This is then closely monitored by Senior Staff at the school. Our Link Governor for Safeguarding regularly visits the school to do checks on our procedures and reports back to the Governing Body.

Safeguarding training is prioritised for induction of new staff. There is a yearly refresher course for all members of the school community as well as ongoing updates through out the year. 

Key staff:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL); Tina Kearney (Head Teacher)

Safeguarding Team: 

Graham Sandberg (Assistant Head Teacher)

Daniella Smith (Assistant Head Teacher)

Joseph Blythin (Assistant Head Teacher)


Link Governor for Safeguarding: Charlotte Six-Rais  

The following are documents related to safeguarding:

Oak View Document

Safeguarding Procedures

Safeguarding Policy

Child Protection Policy Appendix

Visitor, Volunteer & Work placement Leaflet Jan 2022

EFSPT Documents

EFSPT Safeguarding During School Closures Policy

EFSPT Academy Website

 Government Documents


Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) Part 1 - information for all school staff

Government Website