Other Information

Careers Information Programme

This is information about the careers programme that Oak View provide for our students. A bespoke package is put into place to support students on their transition to adulthood. This may include careers or college, depending on the needs of the pupil.

As part of the EHCP process, the school works with the Essex Preparation for Adulthood service. The school has an assigned Preparation for Adulthood adviser who attends EHCP meetings and works with families on their post 19 options. Where appropriate, the school works with the Social Care department to ensure that students have the support they need to access non educational opportunities ( for example, work or volunteering opportunities, leisure activities, supported or other residential living opportunities)

Preparation for college

Year 11 to 14 Students attend Harlow Collage weekly.

To prepare students for college admission, they are offered taster sessions at Herts & Ware College.

The curriculum

The curriculum prepares students for adult life including work life. This includes:

  • Grow Community and Organically, which are community based initiatives where students learn hortitcurture skills.
  • Continued learning relating to behaviour.

Work experience in house

  • bakery
  • café
  • shop
  • recycling

Community work experience

  • Hobbs Cross Farm
  • Epping Forest Council (decorating & maintenance)
  • Morrison’s (warehouse and shop floor).
  • Year 14 students have 1 week work experience at O C Tanner (local company).

Colleges and other agencies are available at a school open evening. If you would like to know more about the careers program, please contact…

The work experience is linked to pupils’ EHCPs, and through the EHCP, the progress is measured. Some pupils have a ‘personal progress’ record that assess their progress. The school sends out a survey to parents.

For more information about work experience and life after school, please contact:

Graham Sandberg- Assistant Head Teacher 


gsandberg@oakview.efspt.org 020 8508 4293


School Day

Our school day for pupils is from: 8.50am-3pm Monday to Thursday.

8.50 – 1pm on a Friday.

The destination of our KS4 pupils

Destinations after KS 4: All KS4 pupils are automatically offered a place at the post-16 provision. Since 2017, 100% of pupils have remained at Oak View until the end of the year 14 (the in which they are 19).

Students who leave at 19 either attend local college provision appropriate to their needs and/ or community based social care provision.

Pupil Premium 

The pupil premium is used to employ a Family Engagement Officer to support pupils and their families in areas where they need support. This includes advising and helping families access and navigate external agencies, for example social care, charities, benefits system for children with disabilities, and education services including transport.

The premium is also used to support individual pupil’s activities where it is needed. This includes after school clubs and breakfast club.

Click below for the Pupil Premium StrategyPupil_Premium_statement_23_24


Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium

Last year, this allocation was used for training staff (ELKLAN communication). This training enables all our staff to understand how pupils with special needs develop communication and speech and enables staff to work more effectively with pupils and plan more relevant activities.


Covid catch up

The government has provided Covid 19 catchup to support children and young people to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus (COVID19). The amount received is £21500.

This has been used to employ extra staff to support in classes. Through this extra staff, pupils have had a greater access to activities and learning.

The school will monitor the EHCP target outcomes to determine the effect of Covid closures and of the catch up.

PE Grant Information

Physical development plays a very important part of the curriculum at Oak View School and we are committed to developing physical activities that are suited to our pupils’ needs.

At Oak View we recoginse that Physical Education for our pupils differs from the traditional PE, and that many pupils are on early learning or ‘pre-learning’ phases of PE and our priority is preparing them for PE. The grant is used to employ specialist occupational therapists who support our pupils with sensory integration by assessing pupils, and working with teachers to create and deliver sensory integration sessions. Each pupil has their own individual SI programme.


The PE and sport premium is £16,510 used in the following ways:

External Education Providers (Jump Start) –  Impact

5 a day fitness – 

PE equipment – 


The plan is to use the grant to fund the Sensory Integration Programme again for this year.

Impact of Sport Premium Funding at Oak View SchoolImpact_of_Sport_Premium_Funding_at_Oak_View_School.